Tanner Health System MyChart
Orthopedic and Spine


Ortho and Spine Academy

The Tanner Ortho Academy at Tanner Ortho and Spine Center is a comprehensive educational program that prepares orthopedics patients for surgery and provides them with knowledge and skills that will make their recovery go as smoothly as possible.

Please watch the video on this page, then be sure to complete our online Ortho Academy Quiz if will be taking part in the academy.


Diabetes 101 - Webinar
Diabetes 101 - Webinar

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Diabetes Support Group
Diabetes Support Group

Monday, May 6, 2024


Beyond Disease: Exploring the Vital Role of Public Health
Beyond Disease: Exploring the Vital Role of Public Health

As we mark National Public Health Week, individuals and organizations come together to address and highlight pressing health issues facing our nation. Public health encapsulates much more than disease prevention — it is the bedrock of our society's well-being, influencing how we live, work and interact with our environment.

Epilepsy Awareness: Empowering Individuals, Erasing Stigma
Epilepsy Awareness: Empowering Individuals, Erasing Stigma

Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures. These seizures are sudden bursts of electrical activity in the brain that temporarily affect its normal functioning. The manifestation of seizures can vary depending on the specific part of the brain involved and the individual.
