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Why Will You Get the Flu?

Maybe you haven’t got it yet, and maybe you’re really trying hard to avoid it, but it’s flu season and the virus is definitely going around.

If you do get sick, here are some of the things you might’ve done wrong.

You didn’t wash your hands.

The flu virus can survive on a hard surface — such as a desk, computer mouse or doorknob — for up to 24 hours. That’s what makes frequent hand washing so important. Wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds, and keep a bottle of hand sanitizer nearby in case you can’t get to a sink. Make a habit out of washing your hands anytime you get home and before all meals and snacks.

You hung out with the wrong crowd.

And I don’t mean your rowdy friends, but in the company of people who are recognizably sick. There are some people who won’t let any flu keep them down, and they’re dead-set on making it in to work or keeping up with social events. This is a way that you are exposed to the flu, and exposure can lead to infection.

You didn’t get a flu shot.

This is a simple one. The flu shot is absolutely safe and extremely effective at preventing flu infections — and you can get one almost anywhere, from your primary care provider’s office to a local pharmacy or a Tanner Urgent Care location. And even if you do still get the flu (there’s a chance, albeit small, that it could happen), your symptoms will probably be less severe and shorter in duration than if you had not received the shot.

You’re not taking care of yourself.

Your immune system needs to be at the top of its game to fight off colds and flu, and you have the power to make sure your system has what it needs. Make sure you’re not skimping on your exercise just because it’s cold out, make healthy choices for your diet and get plenty of sleep so your body will be up to the challenge.

There are other factors for the flu that are beyond your control, such as your age, how communal your workspace or living conditions are and more. But if you’re guilty of any of the above, it’s not too late to turn things around.

Primary Care

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