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Keep It Safe on the Carrollton GreenBelt: Bike Safety Tips

The new bike-share program on the Carrollton GreenBelt is up and running. That means many of us have the chance to be a kid again by hopping on a bike and exploring the town. Before you head off, take a minute to review some bike safety basics to keep you, and other riders, safe on the GreenBelt:

  1. Always wear a properly fitted helmet. Bring a properly fitted helmet to the GreenBelt every time you ride. The Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute reminds you to “wear it low, level and snug.” Learn how to check the fit of your helmet.
  2. Adjust bike “fit.” Bikes aren’t one size fits all. Check to be sure you can comfortably ride the bike by standing over it. Road bikes should have at least 1 to 2 inches between you and the top bar. Mountain bikes should have about a 3 to 4 inch clearance between you and the top bar. Next, check the seat height. Knees should stay slightly bent while pedaling.
  3. Inspect your bike before you begin. Make sure wheels, brakes and chains are in working order by doing a quick visual inspection before heading down the GreenBelt, or on any bike trip.
  4. See and be seen. Pay attention to your surroundings and always be aware of cars, or other pedestrians or bikers on the GreenBelt. Wear brightly colored clothing and let other people know you’re approaching with a friendly “on your left” or by ringing a bell.
  5. Obey traffic laws. You may be on a paved path, but when crossing streets always obey traffic laws. Stop at stop signs or red lights to make sure the coast is clear before crossing the street.
  6. Be cautious when approaching intersections. When crossing the street, look left, right, and then left again. Be sure to remember to make eye contact with drivers. If approaching a busy intersection, get off your bike, make sure there is no oncoming traffic, then walk your bike across the street.
  7. Avoid distractions. Keep cell phones and music stored away in your pocket and avoid the temptation to check it.
  8. Put away the headphones. Avoid wearing headphones while riding so you can listen for other pedestrians and traffic at intersections.

Learn more about the Carrollton GreenBelt and bike share program, which Tanner Health System and Get Healthy, Live Well are pleased to sponsor. Now is the perfect time to head outdoors and get active! For more information about Get Healthy, Live Well and its programs, visit GetHealthyLiveWell.org.

Get Healthy, Live Well

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