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Healthy Haralson Resource Guide Links People to Local Support

For many residents living in rural areas like Haralson County, it’s challenging to get access to the resources they need — whether it be food, clothing, health care or mental health services.

To increase awareness of existing community resources, Healthy Haralson — a committee of Tanner Health System’s Get Healthy, Live Well — has developed a free online community resource guide and automated telephone support line for residents. The phone line was developed in partnership with SyncGlobal to reach residents who don’t have access to a computer or internet service.

Available resources include child and adult care, education and training, physical and mental health services, protective services, substance misuse resources and more. The guide also includes services for residents who need help with necessities such as food, clothing and utilities.

“The Healthy Haralson community resource guide was designed to connect residents to the resources that already exist in the community that they may not have been aware of,” said Alicia Michael, rural health outreach coordinator for Get Healthy, Live Well.

Residents can access the guide by visiting or calling 678-647-HELP. The website and phone line offer nearly 200 resources.

“The great thing about this guide is that it provides residents access to local programs, resources and services all in one place,” Michael said. “It is also a resource that area churches, businesses, governments and nonprofit organizations can use to help the residents they serve.” 

The guide is one of several initiatives that is part of Healthy Haralson’s efforts to improve the health of residents in Haralson County. With help from the Healthcare Georgia Foundation’s Two Georgias Initiative grant, Healthy Haralson is working to address the persistent inequities in health outcomes that disproportionately impact rural Georgians.

To tackle these inequities, Healthy Haralson established six task forces — Healthy Lifestyles and Education, Increasing Awareness of Existing Programs, Increasing Provider Resources, Senior Needs, Substance Misuse and Youth Mental Health. In addition to creating the resource guide, the committee of more than 100 community members continues to develop partnerships and build programs to address challenges across Haralson County.

For more information about Healthy Haralson, visit More information on Get Healthy, Live Well — including upcoming health opportunities and ongoing programs — is available at


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