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Get Motivated to Move This Summer

Have you ever started a new fitness routine and then quit when the going gets tough?

Sticking to a new routine can be difficult if you lack the motivation to keep going. Think of someone you know who has made a positive change in their lives. Have you looked at them and wanted to be as successful and happy as they are about the changes they were able to make?

You can! It just takes some work and motivation to stick with it when the temptation to give up strikes.

Try these tricks to help you stay motivated.

  • Write your goals down and post them on your bathroom mirror and refrigerator. By looking at these every day, it can serve as a helpful reminder of what you want. If you want to lose weight, post an old picture of yourself when you were at a healthier weight next to your goals. Visual aids can be powerful, think of all the advertisements that are on TV.
  • To prevent boredom, do something different each day. Maybe one day, you can walk; then the next day, you may want to ride your bicycle. The Carrollton GreenBelt has 18 miles to explore and it’s pedestrian- and bike-friendly. Playing with your children also counts, as long as you are physically active.
  • Turn your fitness program into a social activity. Exercising with a buddy can be fun and interesting. You will also be accountable to someone else, which can be a big motivator for both of you.
  • After you reach each short-term goal, reward yourself with something other than food. The reward can be as small as an at-home facial, or you might treat yourself to a spa day. If your goal is to lose inches, buy yourself something new to wear when you drop a size.
  • When you plan your fitness program, consider what you enjoy doing. If you're a swimmer and you hate running, don't set your goal to enter a marathon. Instead, slip into your swimsuit, find a pool and start swimming or take a water aerobics class. Or if you're a team player, join a league.
  • Arm yourself with some entertainment to keep yourself from thinking about stopping. Some people find that music or audiobooks help prevent boredom while working out.
  • Instead of seeing fitness as something you dread, consider it something you deserve. As you work out, think about your muscles moving and how much better you'll feel once you reach your goal.
  • As you progress through your fitness program, write down your accomplishments. A daily fitness log will give you something to look at when measuring your success. Tracking physical activity minutes to reach toward the goal of 30 minutes a day or 150 minutes a week.
  • Every once in a while, give yourself a day off from your fitness routine. Sometimes a day of rest gives our bodies and minds time to recuperate.
  • If you go off your eating plan or exercise program for a couple of days, RESUME! We are all human and we go off course on occasion. But it’s not a reason to give up completely. Jump back into your routine.

Will this year be just another year of I wish? Or will it be the year of changes? Just make that decision and start small.

For more tips on how to live a happier and healthier life, visit GetHealthyLiveWell.org.

Get Healthy, Live Well

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